Thursday, February 9, 2012


Well it would be very sleazy of me to give you a lame ass reason as to why i have not updated this blog for about.....three months is it? Truth be told I AM A LAZY GEEK. I don t know if that would help but lets just say my resolution this year is to get my stuff in order..yeees this included. Speaking of resolutions why do people even bother with such things? You say you wont drink then that very next day after new years your gulping down bottles like your in the beer pong Olympics....but hey we are human.
So 2012 is the year of the next big bang eeeh ? i sincerely do not get why everyone is getting so spooked yet no one is sure its really going to happen.Imagine if the early man #MrZynganthropus knew he was going to die in a blast? Would have killed it! So  I need proof!!! and by proof i would say a scroll falling down from heaven?....that was pretty blasphemous of me.
Ooh so at am trying to get through is that great changes are being expected personal ,worldwide you name it. I for one am turning........(though shall not disclose age) in the next five days and i cnt lie am veeeery.....not excited. Truth be told i don not know why!
It all started on 31st January when i was lying on my bed listening to deep rhythms from various #alternative tracks while everyone was getting all physicked up for the long awaited 2012. Tried to get something to get excited about but to no avail.
But hey! no need to get dragged down lets see what DOOMS YEAR has to offer!

Friday, September 2, 2011


The moment i typed that heading the first thing that came to my head was Madonna's "Material Girl". I love that song in fact am a big fan of her work. To my accord i classify her as one of the "originals" then the rest that come after try to "live up" or rather imitate them, to be precise Lady Gaga so to speak. I'd rather not go further into that topic since am guessing some of her die hard fans might be reading this post. Well, i cannot deny i indeed am a fan of the classics.
Ok, back to 2011, with me in the mix of course.  Lately ave bin writing down a budget of exactly what i want to buy and am pretty darn sure I'd have to rob a bank to get all that money! A girl is many things if i am to use that phrase, you want new shoes since the ones you have are worn out, you want the earings, you want the bags you name it. If am to be frank every human species with the XX chromosome is born with this addiction. Well, it depends also on what you are buying, with me it might be that painting or that antique i wanted so much and for some another it might be that designer handbag she's been looking at for the past few weeks. So to cut the long story short the hard truth is I HAVE NO MONEY! Yap, i said it, truth be told. Well since i am a woman someone might say dont you have a husband,boyfriend? Naah no need.
The thing is i have to figure out a game plan,how am going to get that money,will i need a job? Yes of course i have to silly! Well thats what i have been singing for the past few months but it seems i havent been doing anything about it but now i need that dress , that painting , that bangle I HAVE TO DO SOMETHING.
Being a tech freak i was so envious of that Nicholas Allegra dude the other day when IOS decided to employ him. Some 19yr old who created a software "JailBreakMe" that i would not go into details lest i loose my readers here! Then am like..."Hey! why dint i think of that!" the reality is not every is born same so you have to work with what you have...that's what am going to so. Recently i have been taking a keen interest in mobile apps and reading each of their reviews so i think that what am going to embark on. I have ideas popping gin so whats left is CODING!Sigh. So from now on its apps,apps and more apps all be talking about then we'll see how it goes. All tell you when the money gets in :-)

Monday, August 22, 2011


So a few hours ago i was going through my wardrobe and i just discovered i had been to different extremes with my weight. As per now i linger between a size eight and ten though i tend to  be a bit heavy on the bones. I found these tiny winy pair of pants that used to fit me in my pre-teens then i found these huge pair of jeans (size 34!!) i rocked in my mid-teens. Amazing huh? To men maybe but to my female girls i guess its a norm. Most go through these phases but the most remarkable is the tom boy phase. Mine became prominent wen i started gaining weight so you hiding all the goodies and keeping them in the jar. haha actually no! Gaining weight is really scary so for this type of girl who had been really skinny.. it becomes a daytime nightmare.I nicknamed it the 'hiding phase',boys your age seem to be  pests and you find them so cliche. The only boy i was actually nice to was a very polite boy who was my tennis partner and never at one point hit on me. I was never given the girly parts in acts cause people would say you just "couldnt work it" and the rest of the girls would raise eyebrows if ever they heard you sing along to Mariah Carey at any instance Those were my high school years Then i go back  to my pre -teens...i was still a tomboy but a little naive. Dont get me wrong i wasnt the girl who bet up boys,played football and spoke in a deeper voice naah....those are girls with a serious identity crisis who are really just seeking attention. I was the one who'd go frantic when someone brought up a sci-fi movie discussion or a myth. You see many girls found this 'ungirly' hehe i had one girl tell me once that boys would never look at me the way they look at them CLEARLY! One thing i learnt in this 'hiding phase' of mine was that when i was busy running away from what everyone was doing, the rest were busy getting their hearts broken while i was busy scraping through encyclopedias and Shakespeare works people were busy looking for words to entice their high-school sweethearts in their love letters. Thinking of it it was both advantageous  and not. To this point i have not met a boy who wont help but give me a recap of his earlier-year sweetheart whom he fell deeply 'inlove" with. Well the arrogant side of me will go like "pssh puppy love' but the other side would be asking "what the hell was i doing?". Scares the hell out of me.
Well i ditched my trainers,baggy t-shirts and jeans for fitting tops,dresses and skinnies ok not completely since i rock the former in a sexier way and you can still spot my tom boy ways underneath my stilletos and mini-dresses...the geek in me never dies.In other news i really need new shoes! Whoever knows sites i can spot sassy shoes just post on the comment a tout a l'heure!


The renaissance.....takes me back to my history class which i would go back to any time but i guessed you wont! It means rebirth kinda catchy since ave not posted in quite a long term and many of you might be wondering why?? Amazingly am really finding it hard to write this post since i dont know whether its a good idea putting it in a 'layman's' sort of lingo or whether to hit geek mode and get it over with...Ooh well so here i go...Renaissance was a word main linked to the Late Middle Ages in reference to the great changes
literature,politics,,technology you name it. I'd like to think that same thing applies to human psychology...kinda works in a cycle. I gave each stage of the cycle names..1.The fall 2.Epiphany &Renaissance 3.Cycle N plus one. Think of embark on something you make a mistake,wait for an epiphany to tell you what to do next go through a rebirth stage then move on. Looking at my facebook news feed the other day i realized that was what most of what my female friends were going through..only niche comes in the renaissance. To my male readers it not only works in the love field but practically career..your relationships...your own self. So think of my absence as a "RENAISSANCE PERIOD". Everyone goes through it from time to time,hope you dint miss me much :-)

Thursday, June 2, 2011


For the past two days i have not had access to the internet! Yeees it does happen on this corner of the earth but am so relieved am out of that phase. Its soo disappointing considering how much i had to tell people in this world of mine. i had "TITTY TUESDAY" and a "KINKY WEDNESDAY" now gone to waste. Anyway today as i was lying in bed the whole day thinking of how fabulous it would have been for me if man had not invented fire,electricity,bicycles etc then i wouldn't have to worry bout the programming class i just missed lazying in bed, looking for boots to impress or worry bout my life in the next five years!Cool huh? But the part i had forgotten about was the CAVEMAN! remember rowdy,arrogant,domineering species of human beings? Yeah  then  my work would be to do nothing but procreate,feed him.wash him,,,imagine!Sad i know...killed the whole randomthoughts thingy.Then i sat and think about it.....its not much different now! Most men still have that CAVEMAN syndrome. This blog is totally not gender biased by the way. So yeah you spend most of your years attending school,get a degree only to accommodate a grown ass baby who thinks you are an incarnation of his mother.Again i say i am not biased i myself have been a loving and caring girlfriend to my exes but some men are too much!To this day i have never understood the essence of relationships but al be damned if i had to put up with a CAVEMAN for the rest of my life.

Monday, May 30, 2011


So after many months of hard work put into the design of this blog i finally decide to put it up (typical melancholic) i dnt so much of it though guess i was too chicken to hear what people had to say about my random thoughts. So the theme of today MAY 30TH 2011 is #randomthoughts. So the other day my B.F.F(who happens to be a boy) and i were having a go at random thoughts. You know, those thoughts people will happen to find them silly and they just pop up in your mind at awkward moments. Picture this you are having dinner with your parents at a family restaurant and you wonder what if the male waiter came up dressed as a see how random. So our random thought the other day was how does a chick get chipsfungwad(refer to me for explanation) and not get paid. As in? Yes i know it sounds crued but think of it women do enjoy sex but then i still dont get how you can walk out of the bar with a stranger, go to his place,let him sample goodies that minus one of all the men in the bar didnt and not ask for payment.In short ladies value what you have dont let silly urges get the best of you.


Seriously to this day i wonder why God opted to create Adam first. Picture it this way men are colour blind creatures so am guessing red really is green and green really is red...i know i sound biased being my first blogpost but what the hell am guessing most of fellow goddesses out there think so to?. Reason why i chose Goddess Artemis as my screen profile Is quite simple.She was Atlantis' "Independent woman" you know...the "i dont need a man syndrome" truth is most of these women are really hiding in their own shadows. Look at Artemis for example (trip back to Greek Mythology class), she swore never to get married yet she had an undying love for God Orion. Sensed the irony yet. These is where most of the 20th century ladies want to fall into though others draw inspirations from nasty bitches such as Hera,Aphrodite(Greeks equivalent to Venus),Medussa and others being sweeties like Persophone,Athena and many more i will mention continously in my blogposts.Enjoy!